June 26, 2011








Coming back.

I'm back!!!! Miss me? Hahaha gak salah lagi. Lama juga ya tapi gue gak nge-post di blog, sok sibuk gitu ceritanya wkwk. Terakhir Desember. Hem, banyak bgt yang pengen diceritain dari mulai anak baru di sepedah, mesis, seputar 8, panda, festival budaya, expression, dll kebanyakan kalo disebutin satu-satu. Tapi gak mungkin juga lah ya gue ceritain, udh telat. Gue bisa kali ya dapet gelar #tertelat2011 (bangga) ^^

Yaudalaya, yang penting gue alhamdulillah naik kelas dan dapet jurusan IPA! IPA comcoy hehehe, yah sebenernya mau ipa kek ips ato bahasa juga sama aja yegak. Tergantung minat lo, passion lo dimana dan sukses di depan mata O:)

Dan yang lebih penting lagi, WELCOME BACK NADIRA! ({})

December 08, 2010

finally :]

Hellaw kawan sejagad raya alam semesta wkwk stress geo gini nih. Hari2 ini bahagia loh. Sekolah pulang cepet terus, ah aku cinta kamu 8 :* Ya tapi tergantung remednya juga sih. Tadi gue remed Biologi, dan alhamdulillah tdk terlalu lancar ._. tapi moga2 setidaknya lulus ya. Amin bgt. Gakmau bgt di rapot merah, gakmau, gakmau, naudzubillah. Besok remed Geografi hhhh pasrah dah ama pelajaran satu ini-_- Ok. Cukup ngmgin pelajaran. Enek enek.

Ah, finally.......gue bisa ketemu kembar!! um...lby gaksih? Enggalah ya^^ Abis udh lamabet coy gak ketemu mereka. Kangen parah, berat, pol, gila. Wkwk oke oke cukup. Cenang cekayi. Emg surga dunia deh sekolah plg cepet, bisa main2 smbl bljr kyk tadi. Heaven. Um...tp moga2 remedial ttp tuntas semua. Harus. Tadi awalnya si Ayu duluan yg ke rumah kira2 jam 12-an, kita ngobrol2 buanyak pol2in hehe lama dan banyak bgt cerita yg hrs diceritakan. Ah miss this moment, badly. Nah, abis itu pas kita makan, datenglah si saweh ({}) makin lawak aje tu bocah. Eh si ayu juga potong rambut ++ poni makin mirip dora akakak. Peace coy :p Si ai makin bagus aje bocah rambutnye. Buat iri -_- wkwk. Okedai abis makan kita cao ke Berkah, si ai ngidam burger cinte. Eh sampe2 udh jauh panas2 burger cinte-nye tutup sedihabis.....tp emak gue nitip telor. uye belanja w jadinya. Jd si kembar beli susu dah tuh biar makin tinggi ye gak wgwgwgw cuanda abis, makanye tulang jgn di sayang2 hahahaha. Kata2 Ihsan buat si Ai, lawak lawak. Abis itu kita balik ke rumah. Foto2 deh^^ sama belajar pastinya. Hehe. Si ayu kegirangan nemuin jawaban yg udh di otak atik drtd. Emg professor dah tuh anak. Si ai bajak bb gue dan foto2 dasar ye pwincess.

Pokoknya hari ini menyenangkan :D Super Duper Double Triple semua deh! Thanks kembar udh mau main ke rumah. Besok2 lagi ye hehe. Sayang nda gabisa ikut, dia cheers. Maricuy gue sms taunye msh belajar die masyaAllah. Indah gue sms gakdibales...sedih. Sip, lanjut bljr geo dulu dah. Mana jum'at gue remed Math sm Agama lg. Oke gkusah curhat-_-

December 07, 2010


When You Love Someone

I love you but it’s not so easy to make you here with me
I wanna touch and hold you forever but you’re still in my dream
And I can’t stand to wait your love is coming to my life
But I still have a time to break a silence

When you love someone just be brave to say
That you want him to be with you
When you hold your love don’t ever let him go
Or you will loose your chance to make your dream come true

I used to hide and watch you from a distance
And I knew you realized
I was looking for a time to get closer
At least to say “Hello”
And I can’t stand to wait ‘till night is coming to my life

When you love someone just be brave to say
That you want him to be with you
When you hold your love don’t ever let him go
Or you will loose your chance to make your dream come true

I never thought that Im so strong
I stuck on you and wait so long
But when love comes it can’t be wrong
Don’t ever give up, just try and try to get what you want
Cause love will find the way

- Endah n Rhesa

December 04, 2010


Heeeeey, like I told ya before. I just finished shooting for cinematography projects. The results not bad, I think. We did the best, and hope the best for the videoclip /m\ I'm as License Officer, here in this projects. So, I work in Pra-Production steps. We're going to take a place in "Taman Menteng" and it's kinda easy too for getting permission from there. Next, for restaurant. At first, we planned to shooting in Sate Khas Senayan in front of Tameng. So, it wud'nt be wasting time. But, it just our plan. Actually, one day before shooting, they cancelled our plan. Wtffffff :@ :@ :@ It's so unpolite you know, I had reserved with them before, and they cancelled it. Cancelled. Cancelled. Cancelled. My brain freeze a moment. I couldnt understand why it can be happened. But, it is. God had another plan for us. I felt sorry to all of my group, especially Aysha as the director, sorry sha :( Fortunately, we got place in pantry's office parents of Zsa-zsaaaaa, ah really wanna hug you at thah moment ({}) :* Thx a lot zsa with her parents. And last, for home scene, we placed in Aysha's grandma house. Ah, too many stories if I write it one by one. So just enjoy the pictures! Cao :D

In Taman Menteng, Aysha, Alip, Tya, and Kak Putri with her advice.

Vemxx as actress and Epi as Cameramen :)

Nareza as actor, he looks like "BOO" in this picture, lol :D

Vemxx again. Oh, how pretty u'r girl.

We, whole crew in Aysha Grandma's house. But minus zsa :(

Let's take picture before shooting ^^

Vemy and Nareza. HOHO

Vemy and Dika. Nice couple :p

Take a lil refreshing in Aysha Cousin's room :D

Alip w/his funny face. Oke it's better flat face.
I think he's obsessed being an actor or model :/

Uh, so sweet Vem, Dik :D

Rensa with clipper!

And last, Aysha as Director of our crew. Thanks a lottt sha for ur work.
Sorry for all of my bad job. Hope the best for the last. /^^\